Our experience

For the past 25 years, we have supported over a hundred exercises and incidents of significance at the Type 1, 2 and 3 levels, most typically wildland fire, but also including numerous all-hazards events as well. Our approach is based on actual, real world experience. As line officers, we experience what you experience on a day-to-day basis, so we know what's real and what's not, what’s practical and what’s B.S.

First Responder Communications has made an amazing difference in our organization over the past 7 years. I was skeptical that first year, but looking back I can see the performance gains made every year with Mark’s guidance on what matters.
Today I can say that we’ve internalized his training and coaching. I get pretty excited when I see a 20-year veteran sharing a training point with a rookie...and I know it was an issue that Mark first introduced for our benefit.
— Tim McSherry, former Jefferson County, CO Emergency Manager and current International Emergency Management Consultant

What do our clients expect from us?

High quality, engaging and relevant training of personnel

Development of easily deployable communications plans and systems

A product-agnostic approach to system and product evaluations, recommendations and solutions

Our commitment is to find out what works best for you, based on your actual and anticipated needs, regardless of whatever pitch a particular vendor has thrown at you.

A brief list of our clients for training course delivery includes:

Colorado Office of Emergency Management

Utah State Office of Emergency Management

Arizona Department of Public Safety

Mid-America Regional Council (Kansas City region)

Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)

Kansas Department of Homeland Security

Local clients supported through product sales, service, training and consulting include:

>> Archuleta County Sheriff's Office

>> Jefferson County Department of Emergency Management

>> Jefferson County Open Space

>> Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control

>> Colorado Office of Emergency Management

>> San Miguel County, Ouray County

>> Rocky Mountain Fire

>> North Washington Fire

>> Colorado State Patrol

>> Elbert County fire and emergency management

>> Many other local and state agencies